1、口腔健康促进与健康教育,The concept of health(1),健康(health):健康不仅仅是没有疾病或衰弱,而是身心健康、社会幸福的完美状态。Health is a state of complete physical,mental,and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity。World Health Organization(1946)Basic Documents,5th ed.P.1.,Understand the concept of health(2),根据人类系统结
2、构定义健康,引入行为科学的方法研究健康问题。强调健康不仅与个体有关,还与社会,生态和经济方面的因素有关。What this definition recognizes relevant to health care is that the terms“physical,mental,and social”,conceptualize health according to human-system framework which invites a behavioural science-oriented approach to the study of health.Furthermore,
3、it emphasizes the idea that health goes beyond the individual to include social,ecological and economic facets of health.,The dimensions of health,个体健康(inner circle)6 个方面社会健康(middle circle)环境健康(out circle),The concept of oral health(1),口腔健康(oral health):牙齿清洁、无龋洞、无疼痛感、牙龈颜色正常、无出血现象。Teeth clean no cari
4、es cavities,no pains,gingiva with normal colure and no sign of bleeding.WHO 1981,The concept of oral health(2),口腔健康(Oral Health):口腔健康是牙、牙周组织、口腔临近部位及颌面部均无组织结构与功能性异常。Dental health is concerned with the functional efficiency not only of the teeth and supporting structures but also the surrounding parts
5、 of the oral cavity and or the various structures related to mastication and the maxilla-facial complex。WHO 1965,The concept of oral health(3),口腔健康不再仅仅关系到对口腔疾病的治疗,而是与可预防的一系列口腔疾病危险因素有关,特别是社会心理、经济和文化因素。,口腔健康教育,Oral Health Education,健康教育定义Definition of Health Education:,Any planned combination of learn
6、ing experiences designed to predispose,enable,and reinforce voluntary behaviour conducive to health,in individuals,groups,or communities.(Frazier,1992),健康教育定义Definition of Health Education:,健康教育(health education):任何学习机会和教学活动的结合,其内容是为了促进人们自觉接受有益于健康的行为。Any combination of learning opportunities and tea
7、ching activities designed to facilitate voluntary adaptations of behaviour that are conducive to health。Green,L.W.National policy in the promotion of health,1979,口腔健康教育的最终目的 The objective of dental health education,口腔健康教育的最终目的是使人认识到并能终生保持口腔健康。The ultimate objective of all planned dental health educa
8、tion activities is to obtain and maintain optimum dental and oral health status for all individuals throughout life.(WHO 1970),口腔健康教育的基本概念(1)Basic Concepts of Oral Health Education,口腔健康教育(Oral health education):以教育的手段促使人们主动采取利于口腔健康的行为,以达到建立口腔健康行为的目的。健康教育的一部分。口腔健康目标的实现要求运用健康教育有效的原则和程序。Dental health e
9、ducation is an integral part of general health education,the achievement of dental health goals will require the application of principles and processes that are effective in other aspects of health education。(WHO,1970),口腔健康教育的基本概念(2)Basic Concepts of Oral Health Education,是通过行为改变来促进健康的科学:包括个人、集体和整个
10、社会的改变。,口腔健康教育的基本概念(3)Basic Concepts of Oral Health Education,健康教育不能代替预防服务措施,它是预防服务措施的教育部分,为了使人们了解和接受这些措施的价值。Health education is not a substitute for a preventive serviceit is the educational component of such a service designed to develop understanding and acceptance of its value.(WHO 1984),口腔健康教育的基
11、本概念(4)Basic Concepts of Oral Health Education,“人民有权利和义务参加讨论制定健康计划以及如何贯彻等问题”“针对人群中流行的疾病进行健康教育,并教给人们确定、预防和控制这些疾病的方法”,是初级卫生保健八项任务的首位任务,健康教育和促进在实现个人和社区的口腔健康中是必不可少的,两者不可分割,无论何时都应该成为所有保健项目策划、执行和评价的一部分。1978年阿拉木图宣言第四条款,口腔健康教育的基本概念 Basic Concepts of Oral Health Education,“the people have the right and duty t
12、o participate individually and collectively in the planning and implementation of their health care”,“Education concerning prevailing health problems and the methods of identifying,preventing and controlling them”as the first of the eight recommended activities making up primary health care.WHO。Prim
13、ary health care.Alma-Ata 1978.,口腔健康教育的基本概念(5)Basic Concepts of Oral Health Education,传递正确的信息 educating with correct information:例:刷牙不是预防龋齿的有效方法,只有使用含氟牙膏才能有效预防龋齿。因此针对龋病的预防,口腔健康教育应着重强调使用含氟牙膏(每天至少一次)而不是强调机械刷牙。但是,刷牙对预防牙周疾病是重要的。,口腔健康教育的基本概念(5)Basic Concepts of Oral Health Education,健康教育采用多种教育方法,要与项目直接或间接
14、相关,保证向人们传达的知识的准确性,并使人们正确理解,保持人们对项目的兴趣和积极参加。Educational efforts using many different educational methods should be directed towards those associated with the programme,directly or indirectly,to ensure accurate knowledge and understanding,and to maintain interest and participation。(WHO,1984),口腔健康教育的原则
15、 Health education principles,口腔健康教育纳入综合健康教育计划中。Oral health education should be built into general health education programmes.(WHO,1984)国家或地方综合性的保健规划中都应明确规定口腔保健项目,口腔健康教育的原则 Health education principles,每项口腔预防措的实施都包括健康教育的内容。Every available preventive oral health procedure includes educational componen
16、ts.(WHO,1984),口腔健康教育的原则 Health education principles,对各类保健计划制定的相关人群都要进行健康教育:政策制定者、食品加工业人员、保健服务人员、家长、教师、参加预防措施的人员和学生。Education of a variety of different target groups:policy-makers,food manufacturing industry,all health care providers,parents,school personnel,primary health care workers,programme part
17、icipants,and school students.(WHO,1984),口腔健康教育的原则 Health education principles,健康教育教材的设计要内容准确,及时更新知识,形式要有趣并有艺术性。Educational materials should be designed to gain or focus attention,to provide new knowledge,to facilitate interpersonal and group discussion,and to reinforce or clarify prior knowledge and
18、 behaviour.Materials such as leaflets,news releases,posters,films,and slides series are appropriate educational aids.(WHO,1984),口腔健康教育的原则 Health education principles,因地制宜,符合当地文化、教育和社会情况和目标。In all community and school-based settings,oral health instruction should be consistent and compatible with sci
19、entific knowledge as well as with the local culture,the educational system,and social goals.(WHO,1984),社区健康教育方法the methods used in community health ducation,社区健康教育方法可分为四大类 divided into the following four broad categories:1.个别交流(one-to-one communication)。2.以组为单位报告、讨论、决定有关健康信息(group presentations of i
20、nformation and group discussion and decision-making),社区健康教育方法the methods used in community health education,3.借助传播媒介(disseminating information through mass communication channels,including the use of pamphlets,posters,newspaters,newsletters,rediao and television.)4.组织社区活动(community organizational st
21、rategies)项目实施的不同阶段,单个或联合应用。,口腔健康教育计划,Oral Health Education Programme,口腔健康教育计划的目标 Objective of the oral health education programmes,目标在调查研究基础上,计划预定时间内可以实现的,也可以衡量的指标。口腔健康教育目标应包括的四类内容:改进口腔健康状况的目标;减少危险因素的目标;改进服务与防护的目标;提高公众与专业人员认识的目标;,口腔健康具体目标 Oral health goal,口腔健康具体目标四要素:特定人群;具体指向;可被测量的尺度;目标预期实现的时间;,口腔健
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