1、Cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation 心肺脑复苏,Rescuer?,Everyone can be a lifesaving rescuer for a cardiac arrestvictim.CPR skills and their application depend on therescuers training,experience,and confidence.,Introduction,1.The development of resuscitation 2.Basic life support,BLS(2010 AHA Guideline
2、)3.Advanced Life Support,ALS 4.Post-resuscitation treatment,PRT 5.General Management Principles,Are you confident to do something?,1.To perform CPR for a victim2.To guide others,1.The development of resuscitation,The primary concept of resuscitation is to restore a beating heart for a functioning ci
3、rculation and restore ventilationCPR,Cerebral hypoxia,The brain is more sensitive to hypoxia than any other organ.The cerebral cortex is damaged permanently by ischaemia of more than 4-5 min duration.,Therefore,when circulatory arrest has occurred,it is essential to start CPR as rapidly as possible.
4、CPR-CPCP-All management to treat or prevent cardiac arrest or other disorders.,Prevention is the best resuscitation,预防重于治疗,防患于未然-危重病人的管理原则,早期识别并恰当处理可以预防远期恶化早期发现危重病情可以用一些简单的方法解决早期识别就是给临床医生时间,给病人生命早期识别能给病人最早最佳的治疗健康科普惠及民众解放医生3P Medicine(Predictionpreventionpersonalization),The 2010 AHA Guidelines for C
5、PR,mark the 50th anniversary of modern CPR.Over the past 50 years,these modern-era basic life support fundamentals of early recognition and activation,early CPR,and early defibrillation have saved hundreds of thousands of lives around the world.,What is EBM?,Evidence-based medicine is the integratio
6、n of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values.,Why have so many clinicians and educators embraced Evidence-Based Medicine?,EBM is a new model for continually learning and practicing Medicine.EBM is:clinical decision-making process.EBM is also about translationthe translation
7、 of research findings into clinical practice.,Classification,Two types of evidence-based practice have been proposed:Evidence-based guidelinesEvidence-based individual decision making,2.Basic life support,BLS(2010 AHA Guideline),The Guidelines for CPR in 2000,Adult Basic Life SupportThe compression-
8、ventilation ratio for 1-and 2 rescuer CPR is 15 compressions to 2 ventilations.The ratio is 5:1 before 2000 for 1 rescuer.,The Guidelines for CPR in 2005,Adult Basic Life SupportA compression-ventilation ratio of 30:2 is recommended.Still:A-B-C,The Guidelines for CPR in 2010,Adult Basic Life Support
9、Use a compression to ventilation ratio of 30 chest compressions to 2 ventilations Beginning CPR with 30 compressions rather than 2 ventilations leads to a shorter delay to first compression.,How to perform CPR,Check safety very important When approaching a patient who appears to have suffered a card
10、iac arrest the rescuer should check that there are no hazards to himself before proceeding to treat the patient.Patients may suffer a cardiac arrest due to electric shocks or toxic substances.,Check safety Checking responsiveness,?Checking the pulse,Carotid 颈A Femoral股ANo more than 10s,Check for bre
11、athing Look Listen Feel,shout for helpTeam work,It is essential to telephone for help as soon as the assessment has been completed.This early call for help decreases the time to the first defibrillation(除颤),shortens the time to the delivery of advanced life support,decreases the length of time of pe
12、rformance of basic life support and improves survival.,Adult Basic Life Support,External Chest Compressions胸外心脏按压,Get the patient on a firm surface at firstChest compressions are performed on the lower half of the sternum(胸骨)place the heel of the second hand on the sternum.,Location,the lower half o
13、f the sternum(胸骨),How to perform chest compress,keep your elbows straight,pressure is directed through the sternum and not through the ribs,above the patient,Mechanisms of chest compressions,thoracic pump mechanism,cardiac pump mechanism,Mechanisms of chest compressions,Compressions create blood flo
14、w by increasing intrathoracic pressure and directly compressing the heart.This generates blood flow and oxygen delivery to the myocardium and brain.,high-quality CPR,providing chest compressions of adequate rate(at least 100/minute 120/minute)providing chest compressions of adequate depthadults:a co
15、mpression depth of at least 2 inches(5 cm),high-quality CPR,infants and children:a depth of least one third theanterior-posterior(AP)diameter of the chest or about(4 cm)in infants and about(5 cm)in children allowing complete chest recoil after each compression minimizing interruptions(5s)in compress
16、ions avoiding excessive ventilationIf multiple rescuers are available,they should rotate the task of compressions every 2 minutes.,high-quality CPR,Defibrillation,Complications:fractured ribs(肋骨骨折)lung contusion(挫伤)pneumothorax气胸 visceral disruption内脏破裂 Why?,Open-Chest CPR,Useof this technique gener
17、ates forward blood flow and coronaryperfusion pressure that typically exceed those generated byclosed chest compressions.,Airway and Ventilations,Opening the airway followed by rescue breaths can improve oxygenation and ventilation.,How to keep the airway open,tilting the head back(头后仰)and lifting t
18、he jaw forwards.,This displaces the most common cause of airway obstruction.In cases of suspected cervical spine injury,head tilt and neck extension must never be used in this situation.,suspected cervical spine injury,Mouth to mouth ventilation,Take a full breath and seal your lips over the patient
19、s mouth.Blow steadily into the patients mouth,watching the chest rise as if the patient was taking a deep breath.,To minimize high airway pressures,emphasis is placed on a slow inspiratory phase,Deliver two rescue breaths,If the victim is known to have a serious infectionappropriate precautions are
20、recommended.use a face shield or a facemask,Transmission of infection,Hands-Only CPR,Hands-Only(compression-only)bystander CPR substantially improves survival following adult out-of-hospital cardiac arrests compared with no bystander CPRThe simpler Hands-Only technique may help overcome panic and he
21、sitation,How can bystander CPR be effective without rescue breathing?,The oxygen level in the blood remains adequate for the first several minutes after cardiac arrest.In addition,many cardiac arrest victims exhibit gasping or agonal gasps,and gas exchange.If the airway is open,passive chest recoil
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- 心肺脑 复苏
