1、慢性阻塞性肺病的新进展,GOLD颁布的COPD全球策略 2014年最新更新 慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重(AECOPD)诊治中国专家共识(草案),Global Strategy for Diagnosis,Management and Prevention of COPD,2013:Chapters,Definition and Overview Diagnosis and AssessmentTherapeutic OptionsManage Stable COPDManage ExacerbationsManage Comorbidities,Updated 2013,2013 Global
2、Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,COPD的定义,COPD 是一种可以预防和可以治疗的常见疾病,其特征是持续存在的气流受限。气流受限呈进行性发展,伴有气道和肺对有害颗粒或气体所致慢性炎症反应的增加。急性加重和合并症影响患者整体疾病的严重程度。,COPD气流受限的发病机制,AIRFLOW LIMITATION,2013 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,COPD的危险因素,肺的生长发育性别年龄 呼吸道感染社会经济条件哮喘气道高反应性慢性支气管炎,基因有害颗粒暴
3、露 吸烟 职业粉尘,有机物,无机物 室内燃料燃烧和通风不良 室外空气污染,2013 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,COPD的危险因素,Genes,Infections,Socio-economic status,Aging Populations,2013 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,Global Strategy for Diagnosis,Management and Prevention of COPD,2013:Chapter
4、s,Definition and Overview Diagnosis and AssessmentTherapeutic OptionsManage Stable COPDManage ExacerbationsManage Comorbidities,UPDATED 2013,2013 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,SYMPTOMS,chronic cough,shortness of breath,EXPOSURE TO RISKFACTORS,tobacco,occupation,indoor/outdoo
5、r pollution,SPIROMETRY:Required to establish diagnosis,COPD的诊断,sputum,2013 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,COPD的诊断,任何患有呼吸困难、慢性咳嗽或多痰的患者,并且有暴露于危险因素的病史,在临床上需要考虑COPD 的诊断。作出COPD 的诊断需要进行肺功能检查,吸入支气管扩张剂之后FEV1/FVC 0.70 表明存在气流受限,即可诊断COPD。,COPD评估,COPD 评估的目的是决定疾病的严重程度,包括气流受限的严重程度,患者的健康状况和
6、未来的风险程度(例如急性加重、住院或死亡),最终目的是指导治疗。,2013 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,COPD的评估,症状评估气流受限采用肺功能严重度分级急性加重风险评估合并症评估,2013 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,*改良英国MRC 呼吸困难指数(modified british medical research council,mMRC)*COPD 评估测试(COPDassessment test,CAT)。,症状的评估,2
7、013 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,Global Strategy for Diagnosis,Management and Prevention of COPDModified MRC(mMRC)Questionnaire,2013 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,气流受限的评估,气流受限程度仍采用肺功能严重度分级,即FEV1 占预计值80%、50%、30%为分级标准。COPD 患者的气流受限的肺功能分级分为4 级(Grades),即
8、:GOLD 1轻度,GOLD 2中度,GOLD 3重度,GOLD 4非常严重。使用支气管扩张剂后,患者肺功能FEV1/FVC 0.70 COPD 分期(Stage)的概念已经被废除,2013 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,Global Strategy for Diagnosis,Management and Prevention of COPDClassification of Severity of Airflow Limitation in COPD*,In patients with FEV1/FVC 80
9、%predicted GOLD 2:Moderate 50%FEV1 80%predictedGOLD 3:Severe 30%FEV1 50%predictedGOLD 4:Very Severe FEV1 30%predicted*Based on Post-Bronchodilator FEV1,2013 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,急性加重风险评估,采用急性加重病史和肺功能评估急性加重的风险,上一年发生2 次或以上的急性加重或FEV1%pred 50%提示风险增加需要正确评估合并症并给予恰当的治疗。,20
10、13 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,合并症评估,心血管病骨质疏松症呼吸道感染焦虑和抑郁症糖尿病肺癌合并症影响COPD的死亡率住院率,2013 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,Combined Assessment of COPD,Risk(GOLD Classification of Airflow Limitation),Risk(Exacerbation history),2,1,0,(C),(D),(A),(B),mMRC 0-1C
11、AT 10,4,3,2,1,mMRC 2CAT 10,Symptoms(mMRC or CAT score),2013 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,Combined Assessment of COPD,(C),(D),(A),(B),mMRC 0-1CAT 10,mMRC 2CAT 10,Symptoms(mMRC or CAT score),If mMRC 0-1 or CAT 2 or CAT 10:More Symptoms(B or D),首先Assess symptoms first,2013 Glo
12、bal Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,Combined Assessment of COPD,Risk(GOLD Classification of Airflow Limitation),Risk(Exacerbation history),2,1,0,(C),(D),(A),(B),mMRC 0-1CAT 10,4,3,2,1,mMRC 2CAT 10,Symptoms(mMRC or CAT score),If GOLD 1 or 2 and only 0 or 1 exacerbations per year:Low R
13、isk(A or B)If GOLD 3 or 4 or two ormore exacerbations per year:High Risk(C or D)(One or more hospitalizations for COPD exacerbations should be considered high risk.),其次急性加重风险的评估,2013 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,Combined Assessment of COPD,Risk(GOLD Classification of Airflo
14、w Limitation),Risk(Exacerbation history),2,1,0,(C),(D),(A),(B),mMRC 0-1CAT 10,4,3,2,1,mMRC 2CAT 10,Symptoms(mMRC or CAT score),Patient is now in one offour categories:A:Less symptoms,low riskB:More symptoms,low riskC:Less symptoms,high riskD:More symptoms,high risk,综合评估,2013 Global Initiative for Ch
15、ronic Obstructive Lung Disease,Combined Assessment of COPD,Risk(GOLD Classification of Airflow Limitation),Risk(Exacerbation history),2,1,0,(C),(D),(A),(B),mMRC 0-1CAT 10,4,3,2,1,mMRC 2CAT 10,Symptoms(mMRC or CAT score),2013 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,Combined Assessment
16、of COPD,2013 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,Global Strategy for Diagnosis,Management and Prevention of COPDDifferential Diagnosis:COPD and Asthma,2013 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,Asthma-COPD Overlap SyndromeACOS(1),Asthma is a heterogeneous disease,
17、usually characterized by chronic airway inflammation.It is defined by the history of respiratory symptoms such as wheeze,shortness of breath,chest tightness and cough that vary over time and in intensity,together with variable expiratory airflow limitation.GINA 2014,Asthma-COPD Overlap SyndromeACOS(
18、2),COPD is a common preventable and treatable disease,characterized by persistent airflow limitation that is usually progressive and associated with enhanced chronic inflammatory responses in the airways and the lungs to noxious particles or gases.Exacerbations and comorbidities contribute to the ov
19、erall severity in individual patients.GOLD 2014,Asthma-COPD Overlap SyndromeACOS(3),Asthma-COPD overlap syndrome(ACOS)is characterized by persistent airflow limitation with several features usually associated with asthma and several features usually associated with COPD.ACOS is therefore identified
20、by the features that it shares with both asthma and COPD.,Global Strategy for Diagnosis,Management and Prevention of COPDAdditional Investigations,胸部影象学:Seldom diagnostic but valuable to exclude alternative diagnoses and establish presence of significant comorbidities.肺容积和弥散功能:Help to characterize s
21、everity,but not essential to patient management.动脉血气:Pulse oximetry can be used to evaluate a patients oxygen saturation and need for supplemental oxygen therapy.Alpha-1 抗胰蛋白酶:Perform when COPD develops in patients of Caucasian descent under 45 years or with a strong family history of COPD.,2013 Glo
22、bal Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,Global Strategy for Diagnosis,Management and Prevention of COPD,2014:Chapters,Definition and Overview Diagnosis and AssessmentTherapeutic OptionsManage Stable COPDManage ExacerbationsManage Comorbidities,UPDATED 2013,2013 Global Initiative for Chro
23、nic Obstructive Lung Disease,COPD的治疗戒烟,帮助患者戒烟的五步策略1.询问(ASK):系统地对所有吸烟者进行询问。建立一个相应的办公系统,保证每个吸烟者每次随访时的吸烟状态都能得到详细的询问和记录。2.建议(ADVISE):强烈建议每个吸烟者戒烟。态度要明确、坚定、有针对性,鼓励其戒烟。3.评估(ASSESS):确定患者有无戒烟意愿。询问每个吸烟者是否愿意在近期(如30 d 内)进行戒烟尝试。4.帮助(ASSIST):帮助患者戒烟。帮助吸烟者制定戒烟计划;提供实用可行的咨询服务;提供治疗范围内的社会支持;帮助获得治疗范围外的社会支持;推荐使用仅在某些特定场合下
24、批准的药物;提供辅助措施等。5.安排(ARRANGE):安排随访计划。通过患者本人亲自来诊或电话联系,安排随访。,2013 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,COPD的治疗,识别COPD 的其他危险因素也相当重要,其中包括职业粉尘和化学烟雾,燃烧生物燃料所致的室内空气污染,厨房通风不佳等。这些因素在女性COPD 患者的发病中尤为重要。,COPD 的治疗药物,2013 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,支气管扩张剂是用来改善肺功能FEV1 或改善
25、其他肺功能参数的药物,其主要是通过改变气道平滑肌的张力以扩张支气管,而不能改善肺弹性回缩力,因而这类药物称为“支气管扩张剂”主要的支气管扩张剂:beta2-agonists,anticholinergics,theophylline or combination therapy.,支气管扩张剂,2013 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease,支气管扩张剂在COPD 稳定期中的应用,支气管扩张剂是控制COPD 症状的主要治疗措施首选吸入疗法如何选择2 激动剂、抗胆碱能药、茶碱类或联合使用,取决于药物是否可以获得以及不同个体的
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- 关 键 词:
- 慢性 阻塞 肺病
